If you are coming up this weekend to fish, the weather thus far has been excellent this week.  The weather man has been crying up a storm, but we have had clear sailing on the water.  I have nothing new to report, honestly.   We continue to fish the southern section of water at the dam catching and releasing quality brown trout up to 8 lbs.  We are primarily pulling smelt imitations along the banks in 35' of water and it continues to be productive.  Boat traffic has been light with with anglers spreading out and offering plenty of room to each other.  This time of year is really something special.  Beautiful weather.  Wonderful conditions, great people, and just gorgeous fish stuffed full of Japanese pond smelt.  If you haven't tried fishing this lake in the winter, you are missing out.

I haven't talked to anyone on the shore.  I'm honestly not certain how the bank bite has been.  I did hear some rumors about some quality browns being caught off of the peninsula.  However, the best bite seems to be on the causeway right now.  Rainbows are being caught at the tubes under the causeway.

If you want to give it a try, launching at Canyon Dam boat launch is still your only public option that I'm aware of.  Head out from there and try the Recreation area 1 to the A-Frame run with either speedy shiners if you want to go fast or some type of smelt imitation slow if you can.  I haven't noticed any bugs hatching.  The fish continue to be gorged with the small, but apparently delicious smelt.  We might be getting some snow.  I guess it's appropriate to warn people to check weather conditions before coming up.  However, the weather has been wrong most all week.  The winds haven't really developed and there hasn't been any snow.  It's just been an absolute treat.  Or just stay down at the dam and run the shore and rocky bottoms with me.

I wish I could offer more, but I've been just rinsing and repeating my runs along the dam.  The old story goes, don't leave fish to find them, and if it aint broke don't fix it.  If you head out and get into some fish, drop me a note. 



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